The Bible in Kiitharaka Language
September 12, 2019by tafsiriBlog
The joy of receiving the Bible in Kiitharaka could not be hidden on the faces of the Tharaka people. The long wait of 30 years was finally over.
September 12, 2019by tafsiriBlog
The joy of receiving the Bible in Kiitharaka could not be hidden on the faces of the Tharaka people. The long wait of 30 years was finally over.
March 20, 2019by tafsiriBlog
We were winding up Run For The Bibleless 2018 at Uhuru Gardens when I was referred to Agnes Furaha; she was at the Run to pick a copy of The Giryama Bible.
January 22, 2019by tafsiriBlog
Pokomo New Testament was dedicated in 2005. Translation for the Old Testament is at its final stages and we are hopeful that in the next 2 years, Pokomo full Bible will be launched and dedicated.
November 14, 2018by tafsiriBlog
Atonement! What is the right word for it in Pokomo? Sacrifice? No. Reconciliation? How? I racked my hairless head, I could not figure out its meaning.
November 8, 2018by tafsiriBlog
In the year 2012, BTL invited me for the Sabaot Bible Dedication. I was moved to see the community members shed tears as the Word of God was being read to them.
October 25, 2018by tafsiriBlog
The Rendille community has always believed that the ‘Bible’ meant for them had been eaten by a camel. This is the reason why they have not had access to the Scriptures in their heart language for a very long time
August 30, 2018by tafsiriBlog
Emmy Rono, an advocate by profession and a partner of BTL, took a personal challenge to hike Mt. Kilimanjaro on Saturday 24th March in order to raise USD10, 000 to support the work of Bible Translation.
June 25, 2018by tafsiriBlog
Praise the Lord that Nareio will be reading The Rendille New Testament soon. Pray for her walk with Christ as she grows in Him.
April 30, 2018by tafsiriBlog
But those who sat near me listened attentively to several chapters of the Tharaka Bible before we arrived at Chuka. I also sent some chapters of the Bible to three people via the Bluetooth function on my phone.
March 23, 2018by tafsiriBlog
It is so good to hear the Bible read in my language! I wish that this word had come when I was young!” she concludes I can imagine her reaction when she finally reads The Giryama Full Bible; tears of joy. I am hopeful to meet her soon during the launch and dedication of the Giryama Complete Bible.
Bible Translation & Literacy is a Christian organization that was established in 1981 to facilitate Bible translation.
February 27, 2025
December 19, 2024
July 17, 2024
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