My son found the lost sheep
October 6, 2020by tafsiriBlog
Nang’uyana left the office with great joy in her heart. Indeed, Jesus is our Good Shepherd, who knows all about us and our needs.
October 6, 2020by tafsiriBlog
Nang’uyana left the office with great joy in her heart. Indeed, Jesus is our Good Shepherd, who knows all about us and our needs.
September 11, 2020by tafsiriBlog
It is for these reasons that Rev. Kanda presented her with the Marakwet audio Bible. Upon receiving the audio Bible, she was very grateful to God and to BTL
September 11, 2020by tafsiriBlog
We have heard some stories about Jesus on the radio,” they said, referring to the Rendille audio Bible I had a few weeks given to him. People in our village want to know more
September 3, 2020by tafsiriBlog
Communities who have never heard the gospel of Jesus for the first time are referred to as unreached people groups.
September 3, 2020by tafsiriBlog
Japhet is blind and the only way he can hear about the good news of Jesus Christ is listening to the Tharaka Audio Bible recorded from the New Testament
September 3, 2020by tafsiriBlog
The month of June 2020 marked exactly one year since Bible Translation and Literacy (BTL) launched the Tharaka Bible for the Tharaka people.
May 28, 2020by tafsiriBlog
Why does a community need their writing system developed? To help them develop literature in and for their language.
May 9, 2020by tafsiriBlog
Translation of the Chidigo Bible has come a long way. Through tough battles, God has held the translation team together this far.
April 23, 2020by tafsiriBlog
Stay safe and be mindful of those close to you. #WeShallOvercome #CoronavirusPandemic.
January 9, 2020by tafsiriBlog
Two and half years ago, I was riding my motorcycle going round the region of Chuka inviting Christians to attend the Dedication of the Gospel of Luke in Gichuka.
Bible Translation & Literacy is a Christian organization that was established in 1981 to facilitate Bible translation.
February 27, 2025
December 19, 2024
July 17, 2024
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