4th March 2023 – The day of Run for the Bibleless!
March 13, 2023by BTL CommsBlog
by Daisy Kilel
The morning of March 4, 2023, turned out to be a pleasantly warm and vibrant day at the Carnivore Grounds in Nairobi. This was the day that the annual fundraising event, Run for the Bibleless, 2023 edition, was being held in Nairobi and concurrently in Nakuru and Eldoret. In Nairobi, the young and old alike arrived early at the venue, school children from primary and high schools and others accompanied by their parents were also punctual as usual and could be seen swaying slowly to the gospel tunes emanating from the massive and well-raised speakers at the dais as they patiently, awaited the flagging off of the Run. Some came riding their bicycles, while others were on their roller skates. The various corporate sponsors of the event also settled at their designated spots waiting to offer their services to the Run participants. All were welcome to be a part of this great initiative to raise funds for the Bibleless communities.

Soon, the grounds were filled to capacity with over 10,000 participants, and with the arrival of the Chief Guest, H.E. Hon. Johnson Sakaja, the Governor of Nairobi County, the event was ready to start. In his remarks, Hon. Sakaja noted the value of the Scriptures, “many of us are where we are because of God’s Word, how we were raised depended on it and it is unfair that many don’t have that opportunity because of their unwritten languages. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God and many people need to get that opportunity.” He said. “I am greatly supportive of the BTL’s initiative to translate the Bible to unreached communities.” He added.
BTL’s National Director, Rev. Peter Munguti, reminisced about the growth of the Nairobi Run since 2008 when it was first launched. “This is the 16th Chapter in Nairobi, the 2nd Chapter in Nakuru and the 3rd Chapter in Eldoret.” He said. He also appreciated the participants for participating in the Run every year. “Thank you for attending the Run over the years. We are running so that the Pokomo, Daasanach, Rendille, Samburu and other small language groups can receive the Bible for the very first time so that their lives are transformed.” He concluded.

After an intensive warm-up session, the Chief Guest was able to flag off the Run. Mr. Ngetich was one of the participants in the Run. He hardly fails to attend the event. This year he came with his entire family including an infant. “For me, the Run is a great time to bond with my family as we walk together in support of a worthwhile cause. Thank you BTL for giving us this platform”.
The funds raised from this event will help to meet the costs of completions in 5 New Testaments and 2 full Bibles that are at the final stages of translation in the 2023 calendar year. The Mombasa edition of the Run for the Bibleless 2023 will take place on Saturday, July 8. This Run would have taken place on March 4 alongside the Nairobi, Eldoret, and Nakuru runs; however, due to the high temperatures in Mombasa in the early part of the year and with the request from the Mombasa planning committee, it was scheduled for the month of July, when the temperatures are somewhat cooler. We encourage our partners in Mombasa to register and be part of the 2nd edition of the Mombasa Run for the Bibleless. All other details are in the advert below.